We believe in the power of research to transform businesses.
And making the process enjoyable
along the way.




Journey Mapping


Qualitative Quantitative Communications Journey Mapping Ethnographic

We don’t just collect data, we immerse ourselves in our client’s worlds, getting to know their challenges and aspirations as intimately as they do.

Sunday Insights is led by Kathryn Priestly. A market researcher of 17 years who has asked anyone anything you can think of and always has a follow up question. With a background in psychology, Kathryn’s driving force is making sure she understands as much as possible - and then some.

Our Services

  • Ever wanted to ask your audience the difficult questions but worried they won’t tell you the truth? We can help.

  • Offering confidence and surety to push the button on a new campaign, understand where your brand is tracking in the market or to understand priority segments for your business.

  • Understand the lasting impact your communications will have, how the call to action will translate and the conversations that may start before you launch.

  • Understand where you are placed in the market, where your communications are being seen and be able to link your efforts back to sales.

  • Walk along the decision making and experience pathway with your audience and understand the finer detail of their experience (and how to enhance it).

Who we’ve helped

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